Professional Training

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Agile Expert Certified (AEC™)


  • SBOKTM Guide 2013 edition (soft copy)
  • SBOKTM Guide Table of Contents
  • Roles Guide for AEC Course (What to read from SBOKTM Guide?)
  • AEC Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • Online Certificate
  • Physical Certificate
  • 24 PMI PDUs
  • Name Addition to SCRUM Study Certification Registry


Rapid changes in technology, market demands, and expectations have paved the way for the conceptualization and implementation of Agile methods and values in many organizations. Agile relies on adaptive planning and iterative development and delivery. It focuses primiarily on the value of people in getting the job done effectively. (AEC™) Certified Professionals should appreciate the concepts of Agile development and have the ability to compare and choose the Agile methodology appropriate in a given situation. Applicants will be awarded the Agile Expert Certified (AEC™) certificate by SCRUMstudy after successfully passing the certification exam.

Audience Profile:

This certification is appropriate for anyone interested in getting familiar with the concepts and practices of Agile Project Delivery, and who wants to have a working knowledge of the various Agile methodologies.


There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. However, a SDC™ or SMC™ certified professional will be able to easily understand the concepts required for the certification exam. Alternatively, you can attend a 3-day AEC™ classroom training provided by a SCRUMstudy approved Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.)

Exam Format:

  • Multiple Choice
  • 100 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 120 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam.

Expert Scrum Master (ESM™)


Expert Scrum Master (ESM™) certification is the next step for Scrum practitioners to further demonstrate their expertise in Scrum methodology. This will test your ability to manage complex Scrum projects and scale Scrum in complex projects involving big project teams, programs and portfolios. Applicants will be awarded the Expert Scrum Master (ESM™) certificate by SCRUM Study upon successfully passing the certification exam.

Audience Profile:

This Certification is suitable for anyone who is an expert in the SCRUM team and wants to handle complicated Scrum projects as an Expert Scrum Master.


To become an ESM™ certified professional you should fulfil the following criteria:

    • Should have three years of experience managing Scrum/Agile Projects
    • Should be SMC™, AEC™ and SPOC™ certified.
    • Should submit 500 words write up about two Scrum/Agile projects.
    • You can also attend a 2-day ESM™ classroom training provided by a SCRUM Study R.E.P.

Exam Format:

        • Objective testing. Case study and scenario based
        • 240 minutes duration
        • Proctored online exam
        • Open book exam (SBOK™ Guide only)

SBOK™ Guide First Chapter

A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™) provides guidelines for the successful implementation of Scrum—the most popular Agile project management and product development methodology. It provides a comprehensive framework that includes the principles, aspects, and processes of Scrum.

Scrum, as defined in the SBOK™, is applicable to the following:

  • Portfolios, programs, and/or projects in any industry
  • Products, services, or any other results to be delivered to stakeholders
  • Projects of any size or complexity

The term ‘product’ in this Body of Knowledge may refer to a product, service, or other deliverables. Scrum can be applied effectively to any project in any industry—from small projects or teams with as few as six team members to large, complex projects with up to several hundred team members. This first chapter describes the purpose and framework of the SBOK™ Guide and provides an introduction to the key concepts of Scrum. It contains a summary of Scrum principles, Scrum aspects, and Scrum processes.

The following sections are covered in this chapter.

  • Overview of Scrum
  • Why Use Scrum?
  • Purpose of the SBOK™ Guide
  • A framework of the SBOK™ Guide
  • Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management

Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge

The SBOK™ Guide was developed as a means to create a necessary guide for organizations and project management practitioners who want to implement Scrum, as well as those already doing so who want to make needed improvements to their processes. It is based on experience drawn from thousands of projects across a variety of organizations and industries. The contributions of many Scrum experts and project management practitioners have been considered in its development.

A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide) provides guidelines for the successful implementation of Scrum—the most popular Agile product development and project delivery methodology. Scrum, as defined in the SBOK™ Guide, is applicable to the following:

  • Portfolios, programs, and/or projects in any industry
  • Products, services, or any other results to be delivered to stakeholders
  • Projects of any size or complexity

The SBOK™ Guide can be used as a reference and knowledge guide by both experienced Scrum and other product and service development practitioners, as well as by individuals with no prior experience or knowledge of Scrum or other project delivery methodology. The first chapter of the SBOK™ Guide describes the purpose and framework of the SBOK™ Guide and provides an introduction to the key concepts of Scrum. It contains a summary of Scrum principles, Scrum aspects, and Scrum processes. Chapter 2 expands on the six Scrum principles which are the foundation on which the Scrum framework is based. Chapters 3 through 7 elaborate on the five Scrum aspects that must be addressed throughout any project: organization, business justification, quality, change, and risk. Chapters 8 through 12 cover the 19 Scrum processes involved in carrying out a Scrum project. These processes are part of the 5 Scrum phases: Initiate; Plan and Estimate; Implement; Review and Retrospect; and Release. These phases describe in detail the associated inputs and outputs of each process, as well as the various tools that may be used in each.

The SBOK™ Guide is especially valuable:

  • to Scrum Core Team members including:
    • Product Owners who want to fully understand the Scrum framework and particularly the customer/stakeholder-related concerns involving business justification, quality, change, and risk aspects associated with Scrum projects
    • Scrum Masters who want to learn their specific role in overseeing the application of Scrum framework to Scrum projects
    • Scrum Team members who want to better understand Scrum processes and the associated tools that may be used to create the project’s product or service
  • as a comprehensive guide for all Scrum practitioners working on Scrum projects in any organization or industry
  • as a reference source for anyone interacting with the Scrum Core Team, including but not limited to the Portfolio Product Owner, Portfolio Scrum Master, Program Product Owner, Program Scrum Master, Scrum Guidance Body, and Stakeholders (i.e., sponsor, customer, and users)
  • as a knowledge source for any person who has no prior experience or knowledge of Scrum framework but wants to learn in details about the subject
  • The contents of the SBOK™ Guide are also helpful for individuals preparing to write the following SCRUMstudy™ certification exams:
  • Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™)
  • Scrum Master Certified (SMC™)
  • Agile Expert Certified (AEC™)
  • Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™)
  • Expert Scrum Master (ESM™)

Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™)


  • SBOK� Guide 2013 edition (soft copy)
  • SBOK� Guide Table of Contents
  • Roles Guide for SDC Course (What to read from SBOK� Guide?)
  • SDC Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • Online course completion certificate
  • 15 PMI PDUs
  • Name Addition to SCRUMstudy Certification Registry


Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™) is an entry-level certification for Scrum Team members and those who interact with any Scrum Team. The objective of this certification is to ensure that Scrum Team members know enough about Scrum to effectively contribute to a Scrum project. The courseware and preparation tools required for the certification exam will be available online on An online proctored exam will be conducted at the end of the course.

Audience Profile

This is highly recommended for everyone in a company who works in a Scrum Team or anyone who interacts with any Scrum Team. This will also be very useful for those who are interested in understanding the basics of Scrum and how this method could be used effectively.

There is no formal prerequisite for this certification.

Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 75 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 57 questions need to be answered correctly to pass
  • 90 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

SCRUM increases ROI

One of the key characteristics of any project is the uncertainty of results or outcomes. It is impossible to guarantee project success at completion, irrespective of the size or complexity of a project. Considering this uncertainty of achieving success, it is therefore important to start delivering results as early in the project as possible. This early delivery of results, and thereby value, provides an opportunity for reinvestment and proves the worth of the project to interested stakeholders. It is important to:

    • Understand what adds value to customers and users and to prioritize the high-value requirements on the top of the Prioritized Product Backlog.
    • Decrease uncertainty and constantly address risks that can potentially decrease value if they materialize. Also work closely with project stakeholders showing them product increments at the end of each Sprint, enabling effective management of changes.
    • Create Deliverables based on the priorities determined by producing potentially shippable product increments during each Sprint so that customers start realizing value early on in the project.

Some of the key differences with respect to Value-driven Delivery in Scrum project and Traditional projects are given in the figure below.

In Scrum projects, User Stories are ranked in order of priority which is an effective method for determining the desired User Stories for each iteration or release of the product or service. The purpose is to create a simple, single list with the goal of prioritizing features, rather than being distracted by multiple prioritization schemes.

This simple list also provides a basis for incorporating changes and identified risks when necessary. Each change or identified risk can be inserted in the list based on its priority relative to the other User Stories in the list. Typically, new changes will be included at the expense of features that have been assigned a lower priority.

Minimum Marketable Features (MMF) are also defined, so that the first release or iteration happens as early as possible, leading to increased ROI.

Scrum Master Certified (SMC™)


  • SBOK� Guide 2013 edition (soft copy)
  • SBOK� Guide Table of Contents
  • Roles Guide for SMC Course (What to read from SBOK� Guide?)
  • SMC Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • Online Certificate
  • Physical Certificate
  • 16 PMI PDUs
  • Name Addition to SCRUMstudy Certification Registry


Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) professionals are facilitators who ensure that the Scrum Team is provided with an environment conducive to completing the project successfully. The Scrum Master guides, facilitates, and teaches Scrum practices to everyone involved in the project; clears impediments for the team; and, ensure that Scrum processes are being followed. Successful candidates will be awarded the Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) certification by SCRUMstudy after passing the certification exam.

Audience Profile
This certification is appropriate for anyone who is interested in working as a Scrum Master.


There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. However, it is preferable to complete the Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™) certification before applying for the Scrum Master certification. It is also highly recommended to attend the SMC™ classroom training provided by the SCRUMstudy approved Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.)

Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 100 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 120 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam.

Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™)


  • SBOK� Guide 2013 edition (soft copy)
  • SBOK� Guide Table of Contents
  • Roles Guide for SPOC Course (What to read from SBOK� Guide?)
  • SPOC Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • Online Certificate
  • Physical Certificate
  • 16 PMI PDUs
  • Name Addition to SCRUMstudy Certification Registry


The Product Owner represents the interests of the stakeholder community to the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service functionality requirements to the Scrum Team, defining Acceptance Criteria, and ensuring those criteria are met. The Product Owner must always maintain a dual view. He or she must understand and support the needs and interests of all stakeholders, while also understanding the needs and workings of the Scrum Team.

Applicants will be awarded the Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™) certificate by SCRUMstudy upon successfully passing the certification exam.

Audience Profile
This certification is for anyone who interfaces with stakeholders or works as a Product Owner in a Scrum Team.


There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. However, SDC™ or SMC™ Certified professionals will be able to better understand the concepts required for this certification exam. It is also highly recommended to attend a 2-day SPOC™ classroom training provided by a SCRUMstudy approved Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.)

Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 140 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Scrum Vs Traditional PM

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule – and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements.

To deliver the greatest amount of value in the shortest amount of time, Scrum promotes prioritization and Time-boxing over fixing the scope, cost and schedule of a project. An important feature of Scrum is self-organization, which allows the individuals who are actually doing the work to estimate and take ownership of tasks.

Following table summarizes many of the differences between Scrum and traditional project management:


Scrum is one of the most popular agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. Scrum ensures transparency in communication and creates an environment of collective accountability and continuous progress. The Scrum framework, as defined in the SBOK™ Guide, is structured in such a way that it supports product and service development in all types of industries and in any type of project, irrespective of its complexity.

A key strength of Scrum lies in its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide their work into short, concentrated work cycles called Sprints.

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule – and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements.

To deliver the greatest amount of value in the shortest amount of time, Scrum promotes prioritization and Time-boxing over fixing the scope, cost and schedule of a project. An important feature of Scrum is self-organization, which allows the individuals who are actually doing the work to estimate and take ownership of tasks.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt


  • Online Study Material (Study Guides, Case Studies, Pod casts,
  • Terms and Concepts)
  • High Quality Videos
  • 180 days duration
  • LSSBB Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • LSSBB Physical Certificate
  • 55 PMI PDUs (Online Certificate)


Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) certification focuses on testing students on their comprehensive understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques in conjunction with Lean. The objective of the online value added course (complementary with certification exam) is to develop a comprehensive knowledge base that helps students to function effectively as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt in various projects. The tools and techniques cover both quantitative and non-quantitative analysis along with other necessary knowledge to improve the production process, minimize inefficiencies and increase with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 125 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This certification is highly recommended for employees, professionals who require developing comprehensive understanding of practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma with the help of various tools and techniques for the purpose of continuous improvement in processes and products.


Six Sigma Green Belt Certification

Six Sigma Black Belt


  • Online Study Material (Study Guides, Case Studies, Pod casts, Terms and Concepts)
  • High Quality Videos
  • 180 days duration
  • SSBB Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • SSBB Physical Certificate
  • 55 PMI PDUs (Online Certificate)


Six Sigma Black Belt (SSBB) certification focuses on testing students on their comprehensive understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques. The objective of the online value added course (complementary with certification exam) is to develop a comprehensive knowledge base that helps students to function effectively as a Six Sigma Black Belt in various projects. The tools and techniques cover both quantitative and non-quantitative analysis along with other necessary knowledge to improve the production process and minimize defects in the end product with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 125 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This certification is highly recommended for employees, professionals who require developing comprehensive understanding of practical implementation of Six Sigma methodologies with the help of various tools and techniques for the purpose of continuous improvement in processes and products.


Six Sigma Green Belt certification

Six Sigma Green Belt


  • Online Study Material (Study Guides, Case Study, Pod casts, Terms and Concepts)
  • High Quality Videos
  • 90 days duration
  • SSGB Certification Exam (Proctored Online Exam)
  • SSGB Physical Certificate
  • 25 PMI PDUs (Online Certificate)


Six Sigma Green Belt course focuses on providing students with an understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques useful to improve the production process and minimize defects in the end product with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 90 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 120 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This course is highly recommended for employees and organizations requiring a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.


Preferably Six Sigma Yellow Belt (But Not Mandatory)


  • When you apply for the Six Sigma Green Belt
    certification, you get access to a free online course
  • If you are looking for classroom training before certification, please refer to Training section to find a Registered Education Provider in your place.

Six Sigma Methodologies

There are mainly two methodologies of Six Sigma namely DMAIC and DMADV.

DMAIC is a data-driven Six Sigma methodology for improving existing products and processes. The DMAIC process should be used when an existing product or process can be improved to meet or exceed the customer’s requirements. DMAICmethodology consists of five phases: D Define, M Measure, A Analyze, I Improve, C Control.

  • Define Define the project targets and customer (internal
    and external) deliverables.
  • Measure Measure the process to determine the current
    process performance (baseline).
  • Analyze Find out the root causes of the defects.
  • Improve Improve the process by eliminating defects.
  • Control Control the future performance.

DMADV is a common DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) methodology used to develop a process or product which does not exist in the company. DFSS is an application of Six Sigma which focuses on the design or redesigns of the different processes used in product manufacturing or service delivery by taking into account the customer needs and expectations. DMADV is used when the existing product or process does not meet the level of customer specification or Six Sigma level even after optimization with or without using DMAIC. DMAIC methodology consists of five phases: D Define, M Measure, A Analyze, D Design, V Validate.


  • DEFINE the project goals and customer deliverables
  • MEASURE the process to determine the current performance level
  • ANALYZE and determine the root causes of the defects
  • DESIGN the process in detail to meet customer needs
  • VALIDATE the design performance and its ability to meet
    the customer needs

Six Sigma vs Traditional Quality

Six Sigma Characteristics:

  • Customer centric
  • Process focused
  • Data driven
  • Involvement and support of the top management
  • Cultural change
  • Breakthrough performance gains
  • Structured improvement deployment
  • Validation through key business results
  • Reduction in variation
  • Elimination of defects
  • Improvement in yield
  • Enhancement in customer satisfaction
  • Strengthening of the bottom line

Six Sigma Yellow Belt


The Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is tailored to help anyone interested to know what Six Sigma is; learn key concepts in Six Sigma; and to get a basic understanding of how Six Sigma framework works in delivering successful projects. This course is included as a part of Free Lifetime Primary Membership. Once the course is completed, the student needs to take an assessment to get the certificate. The purpose of the exam is to confirm you have basic understanding of Six Sigma.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 40 questions for the exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 60 minutes duration
  • 28 questions need to be answered correctly to pass
  • Online un-proctored exam

Audience Profile

Anyone interested in knowing more about Six Sigma can take up this course and exam for free.


There is no formal prerequisite for this course.

What is Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a data driven, customer focused, and result oriented methodology which uses statistical tools and techniques to systematically eliminate the defects and inefficiencies to improve processes. It is a systematic method to measure and analyze the business processes to identify critical factors affecting business results, thereby improving the processes and establishing controls around the improved processes.

Six sigma is a widely accepted quality concept in the corporate world today. Six Sigma started its journey in the 1980s as a data driven method to reduce variation in electronic manufacturing processes in Motorola Inc. in the USA. Six Sigma became famous when Jack Welch made it vital to his successful business strategy at General Electric in 1995. Today it is used as a business performance improvement methodology all over the world in diverse industry including general manufacturing, construction, banking and finance, healthcare, education, government, KPO/BPO, IT/ Software. At present IT/ ITES sector companies are dynamically implementing Six Sigma and it is no more confined into manufacturing sector.

Six sigma uses a set of quality management and statistical methods and creates a team of experts within the organization (Executive Leadership, Champions, Black belt, Green Belt, Yellow Belt etc.) having specific skill sets required to carry out the six sigma project. Each six sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of phases with quantifiable value targets e.g. reduction in process cycle time, reduce cost, increase in quality rating/ customer satisfaction index, reduction is defect rate.

Road Map of a Six Sigma project:

  1. Identify the areas of improvement
  2. Define the problem statement and goals for improvement in quantifiable terms (i.e. which can be measured numerically)
  3. Determine the resources required for the project
  4. Formulate a project deliverables timeline in a phased manner
  5. Establish performance parameters/ metrics
  6. Gather baseline information about the process
  7. Validate measurement system for the process output (Y)
  8. Examine the data collected in the earlier phase to determine a prioritized list of sources variation
  9. Explore potential causes (potential X’s for causation) and determine the impact of each X has on the response Y
  10. Determine the optimum level of vital few X’s
  11. Validate measurement system for X’s
  12. Verify process improvement
  13. Develop control mechanism to ensure sustenance of the improved process

Some of benefits of Six Sigma are given below:

  • Six Sigma helps companies to reduce cost and improve productivity
  • Six Sigma improves quality of projects output by reduction of inefficiencies and defects
  • Six Sigma increases customer satisfaction, and loyalty
  • Certified Six Sigma Professionals can help increasing ROI significantly

Why get Six Sigma Certified

6sigmastudy’s widely accepted certifications help individuals and organizations complete projects with greater efficiency, increase ROI and customer satisfaction.

Many organizations around the globe adopted Six Sigma and Lean to increase quality of the outputs and to reduce cost by means of reducing defects and removing inefficiencies. There are numerous benefits of adopting Six Sigma.

For Individuals

Growing popularity and acceptability of Six Sigma and Lean has created a great demand for certified professionals in the job market. Grab the opportunity and join this growing community.

For Organizations

Six Sigma and Lean certified professionals help organizations with improved level of project management that leads to increased ROI.

Six Sigma Study Certification Hierarchy

6sigmastudy certified professionals help organizations with improved level of processes and quality outputs that lead to increased ROI. They have knowledge pertaining to and can anticipate issues related to the practical implementation of Six Sigma.

About PMP

PMP stands for Project Management Professional. The Project Management Professional certification is a globally reputed and recognized certification in the field of Project Management, and it is provided to project management professionals, who clear the PMP certification examination. The PMP certification is issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is the world’s leading association of Project Management Professionals.

Project Management Institute

The Project Management Institute PMI is the world’s leading not-for-profit project management professional association. PMI supports over half a million members in 170 countries worldwide. PMI members are individuals practicing and studying project management in many different industry areas.

PMI has become, and continues to be, the leading professional association in project management. More details can be found here:

Certifications offered by PMI

PMI offers a comprehensive certification program for project practitioners of all education and skill levels.

PMI certifications ensure that you and your projects excel.

  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)SM
  • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)
  • PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)
  • PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)

Benefits of being a PMP

  • Globally recognized and respected certification: The PMP certification is globally recognized and respected certification provided by PMI, the leading association of Project Management Professionals. With 12% increase in number of PMP/CAPM certification every year, they have been made the de-facto industry standard for Project Managers.
  • The PMP certification recognizes your expertise in Project Management: The PMP certification tells your current and potential employers that you have a solid foundation of project management knowledge, which could be readily applied at the workplace.
  • You will be a member of one of the most prestigious professional groups: By attaining the PMP certification, your name will be included in the largest and most prestigious group of certified Project Management Professionals.
  • Better salary: It has been observed that Project Managers, who have the PMP certification, draw more salary than their counterparts, who do not have the aforementioned certification.
  • Better job opportunities: With the requirements for qualified Project Managers expected to increase exponentially in the future, the job market for PMP Certified managers will get better.
  • Globally recognized by leading companies: The PMP certification is endorsed by leading companies. In fact, they encourage their Project Managers to have the PMP certification.

For further information regarding the benefits of the PMP certification, we request you to visit the following link:

Course Outline

PMP Exam Prep: Course Overview

The 4-Day PMP-Prep classroom course is structured with the goal of providing students exactly what they need to pass the PMP exam. Coursework is focused on the key topics and knowledge areas required for success on the exam. Our study strategy will increase comprehension and retention of key elements, while also providing students with practical information that can be applied immediately to the project work environment.

PMstudy provides the Most Comprehensive and Highest Quality PMP-Prep Classroom Training, which includes:

  • 200+ page PMstudy PMP-Prep Workbook
  • Chapter and Final Test Workbooks with PMP exam style
  • Quick Reference Guide, Process Chart Worksheets and Study
  • Two month Complimentary Access to PMstudy 100% online
    course (includes 800+ practice questions with detailed
    explanations AND 4 full-length simulated exams)
  • Valuable exam-taking tips
  • 40 PMI approved contact hours

Course content (Based on PMBOK Guide – 5th edition):

The course content covers PMBOK Guide – Fifth Edition concepts and includes Professional Responsibility. Several topics which are not included in the PMBOK Guide – Fifth Edition but about which questions are regularly asked in the PMP exam are also covered. There is an optimal balance between PMP exam prep and understanding concepts for practical application.

1. Introduction

  • About PMI and PMP exam
  • Exam-Taking Tips
  • Course Overview
  • Process Chart

2. Project Management Framework

  • What is a project?
  • Project Stakeholders
  • Organizational Structure
  • Product Life Cycle, Project Life Cycle, Project
    Management Life Cycle

3. Project Integration Management

  • Overview of Project Integration
  • Develop Project Charter
  • Develop Project Management Plan
  • Direct and Manage Project Work
  • Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Close Project or Phase

4. Project Scope Management

  • Overview of Project Scope Management
  • Plan Scope Management
  • Collect Requirements
  • Define Scope
  • Create WBS
  • Validate Scope
  • Control Scope

5. Project Time Management

  • Overview of Project Time Management
  • Plan Schedule Management
  • Define Activities
  • Sequence Activities
  • Estimate Activity Resources
  • Estimating Activity Durations
  • Develop Schedule
  • Control Schedule

6. Project Cost Management

  • Overview of Project Cost Management
  • Plan Cost Management
  • Estimate Costs
  • Determine Budget
  • Control Costs

7. Project Quality Management

  • Overview of Project Quality Management
  • Plan Quality Management
  • Perform Quality Assurance
  • Control Quality

8. Project Human Resource Management

  • Overview of Project Human Resource Management
  • Plan HR Management
  • Acquire Project Team
  • Develop Project Team
  • Manage Project Team

9. Project Communication Management

  • Overview of Project Communication Management
  • Plan Communications Management
  • Manage Communications
  • Control Communications

10. Project Risk Management

  • Overview of Project Risk Management
  • Plan Risk Management
  • Identify Risks
  • Perform Qualitative Risk Analysisc
  • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Plan Risk Responses
  • Control Risks

11. Project Procurement Management

  • Overview of Project Procurement Management
  • Plan Procurement Management
  • Conduct Procurements
  • Control Procurements
  • Close Procurements

12. Project Stakeholder Management

  • Overview of Project Stakeholder Management
  • Identify Stakeholders
  • Plan Stakeholder Management
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  • Control Stakeholder Engagement

13. Professional Responsibility

  • Professional Responsibility

14. Review & Final Evaluation Test

  • Structured Concentrated Review of all Chapters
  • Final Test Questions
  • End of Course Questions/Next Steps

PMstudy PMP Exam Prep: Classroom Daily Schedule

Typically the 4 day program runs from Monday to Thursday
between 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

DAY 1: Introduction

* Project Management Framework
* Project Integration Management
* Project Scope Management(Section &Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 2: Project Time Management

* Project Cost Management
* Project Quality Management

* Project Human Resource Management (Section & Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 3: Project Communication Management

* Project Risk Management
* Project Procurement Management

* Project Stakeholder Management (Section & Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 4: Final Evaluation Test Part I

* Concentrated Review
* Final Evaluation Test Part II

* Review & Next Steps

Eligibility criteria for becoming a PMP

Please note that the PMP certification is not domain specific. It is a generic Project Management training certification.

Given below are the requirements for applying for the PMP Certification Exam:

  • For a person having a baccalaureate or equivalent university degree,
    1. Minimum of 4500 hours of personal project management experience AND
    2. Minimum of 36 non-overlapping (unique) months of personal project management experience.
  • For a person not having a baccalaureate or equivalent university degree, but who holds a high school diploma or equivalent secondary school credentials,
    1. Minimum of 7500 hours of personal project management experience AND
    2. Minimum of 60 non-overlapping (unique) months of personal project management experience.

Contact Hours of Project Management Instruction: Minimum of 35 hours of specific instruction that addresses learning objectives in project management.

Where are the PMP exams conducted?

All PMI computer-based exams are offered at all Prometric Testing Centers worldwide. You can check for locations on Prometric’s website,, but you will need to have submitted your credential fees and received your examination scheduling instructions in order to schedule an exam appointment.

Benefits of attending our PMP Boot Camp:
Given below are the reasons why PMP Exam Prep classroom training sessions (Boot Camp)are always beneficial for you.

  • Value for money: We provide the best quality in training for a very economical price in most of the important cities.
  • Free access to online course: FREE access for one month to our online course (worth $149.99) from the first day of the classroom training program.
  • PMI approved Contact Hours: We provide you with 40 hours of PMI Approved Contact Hours, as a part of the online preparatory training course.
  • Classes conducted by experienced instructors: All our Instructors are PMP certified, have 10+ years of Project Management experience and are rigorously trained.
  • Comprehensive and well researched classroom boot camps: The course offered is comprehensive and covers all aspects that you need to know for the PMP Exam preparation. We also offer the extra tips and tricks which can make all the difference and help you excel in the PMP Certification Exam.

PMP Classroom

PMP Physical Classroom / Instructor-led Virtual Classroom Prep Module

The PMP Classroom Prep Module has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification training which has enabled about 200,000 students to succeed at a rate of 98.7%. This exhaustive classroom preparatory course has been designed with the following features:

Videos High Quality Videos explaining PMBOK concepts from all chapters Simulated Test 4 full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam
PMI Contact Hours 35 PMI contact hours for Project Management Examination eligibility Classroom study material Different formats of study materials like study guides, pod casts, terms and concepts
Chapter Test Up to 100 questions per chapter to check the student’s proficiency in each chapter Mobile Applications Mobile applications to provide student access to preparatory material on the go
Experience Calculator An interactive tool to calculate experience which can then be used to fill in the PMI experience form Online Study Material Different formats of study materials like study guides, pod casts, terms and concepts, with 60 days of access.

PMP Online

PMP Online Prep Module

The PMP Online Prep Module has been prepared by PMstudy – a global leader in PMP certification which has enabled more than 200,000 students to pass the PMP exam with a success rate of 98.7%. This online preparatory courses is exhaustive and has been designed to cover:

Videos High Quality Videos explaining PMBOK concepts from all chapters Simulated Test 4 full-length simulated exams designed on the lines of the actual exam
PMI Contact Hours 35 PMI contact hours for Project Management Examination eligibility Online Study Material Different formats of study materials like study guides, pod casts, terms and concepts
Chapter Test Up to 100 questions per chapter to check the student’s proficiency in each chapter Mobile Applications Mobile applications to provide student access to preparatory material on the go

About ITIL

IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the most widely adopted framework for IT Service Management in the world. It is a practical approach to identifying, planning, delivering and supporting IT services to the business. It describes how IT resources should be organized to deliver business value, documenting the processes, functions and roles of IT Service Management (ITSM).

ITIL principles are used by a number of organizations in both the public and private sectors such as NASA, IBM, HP, British Telecom, HSBC bank and L’Oreal.

ITIL is created and owned by the Cabinet Office. ITIL best practices are explained in the five core guidance publications outlining the fundamental ITIL principles that focus on various areas within the service management discipline.

ITIL best practices also underpin the foundations of ISO/IEC 20000 (previously BS15000), the International Service Management Standard for organizational certification and compliance.

About ITIL Qualifications

The following certifications are available under the ITIL
Qualifications scheme:

  • ITIL Foundation (known as ITIL v3 and ITIL 2011 edition)
    1. The ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management is the entry level examination for the scheme. There are no pre-requites for this examination.
  • ITIL Intermediate Level
    1. The ITIL Intermediate level is the core of the scheme. To take an examination at this level, candidates must hold the ITIL Foundation qualification and must complete an accredited training course.
    2. The following examinations are available at the
      intermediate level:
  • Service Lifecycle: management focused examinations
    • Service Strategy
    • Service Design
    • Service Transition
    • Service Operation
    • Continual Service Improvement
  • Service Capability: process focused examinations
    • Planning Protection and Optimization
    • Release Control and Validation
    • Operational Support and Analysis
    • Service Offerings and Agreements
  • ITIL Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC)
    1. It is the capstone examination for the scheme. Candidates who have earned at least 17 credits from both Foundation and Intermediate modules of ITIL Certifications are eligible to take this course and examination, and will be eligible for the ITIL Expert level award following successful completion.
    2. For full information on the qualifications available under the scheme please

Benefits of ITIL

  • Provides a single documented framework for IT best practices that flow across the IT organization.
  • Reduces IT costs and justifies the cost of IT quality and supports improvement of user productivity.
  • Supports ability of IT to measure and improve internal performance and service provisioning.
  • Improves communication and information flow between IT and the organization and business departments and identifies roles and responsibilities for IT Service Management.
  • Improves ability of IT to adjust as business opportunities and challenges are presented.
  • Improves relationship of IT with the business – builds trust.

Course Material


Our course materials have been designed by a panel of ITIL experts with more than 15 years of industry experience in IT Service Management. My IT Study has created a time-tested methodology, which is backed by high pass rates. We provide students with all the materials they need, including workbooks, chapter test books, a final test booklet, process charts, case studies and gift packs. The study material details the goals, objectives and basic concepts of core ITIL processes and functions everything students need to know to pass the exam. It seamlessly combines real-life examples with ITIL concepts to help students effectively implement ITIL concepts in their organizations. One of the major benefits MyITstudy offers students is one month of free access to online study materials, which includes process charts, study guides and exam tips.

Students do not have to bring anything to class. All materials are provided!

Student Workbook:

My IT Study course content has been updated to align with the 2011 syllabus. The workbook contains an introduction along with chapters detailing each stage of the Service Life cycle:

  • Service Strategy,
  • Service Design,
  • Service Transition,
  • Service Operation and
  • Continual Service improvement.

The purpose, value, scope and objectives of each process and function as well as ITIL terminology is explained in detail. This workbook contains simple, yet informative, real-life situations that help students contextualize important ITIL concepts. Each chapter is complemented by a brief chapter test that reinforces retention and application of important concepts.

Chapter Test Workbook:

Students can discuss important concepts during the interactive session after each chapter while they are given feedback on areas of improvement. The chapter test workbook also contains justifications for all the chapter test questions to help students understand each concept.

Mock Exam:

This exam has been modelled after the ITIL Foundation Exam. The mock test is conducted on the second day of class, prior to the actual ITIL Foundation exam. It consists of 40 questions that mimic the type of questions students will see on the real exam. It helps students prepare for the final exam and assists them in understanding their strengths and weaknesses.

Case Study:

Implementing the ITIL framework is as necessary as the knowledge of ITIL concepts is, in creating a successful organization. My IT Study understands this reality and has prepared case studies based on real-life experiences, which offers a balance between theoretical concepts and implementable knowledge of the ITIL framework. A service topic is chosen and is explained with reference to each component of the Service Life cycle in ITIL Foundation. With this method, students can get an idea of how to formulate an ITIL culture in their respective organizations to improve service delivery and productivity.

Course Outline

PMP Exam Prep: Course Overview

The 4-Day PMP-Prep classroom course is structured with the goal of providing students exactly what they need to pass the PMP exam. Coursework is focused on the key topics and knowledge areas required for success on the exam. Our study strategy will increase comprehension and retention of key elements, while also providing students with practical information that can be applied immediately to the project work environment.

PMstudy provides the Most Comprehensive and Highest Quality PMP-Prep Classroom Training, which includes:

  • 200+ page PMstudy PMP-Prep Workbook
  • Chapter and Final Test Workbooks with PMP exam style questions
  • Quick Reference Guide, Process Chart Worksheets and Study Aids
  • Two month Complimentary Access to PMstudy 100% online course (includes 800+ practice questions with detailed explanations AND 4 full-length simulated exams)
  • Valuable exam-taking tips
  • 40 PMI approved contact hours

Course content (Based on PMBOK Guide – 5th edition):

The course content covers PMBOK Guide – Fifth Edition concepts and includes Professional Responsibility. Several topics which are not included in the PMBOK Guide – Fifth Edition but about which questions are regularly asked in the PMP exam are also covered. There is an optimal balance between PMP exam prep and understanding concepts for practical application.

1. Introduction

  • About PMI and PMP exam
  • Exam-Taking Tips
  • Course Overview
  • Process Chart

2. Project Management Framework

  • What is a project?
  • Project Stakeholders
  • Organizational Structure
  • Product Life Cycle, Project Life Cycle, Project Management Life Cycle

3. Project Integration Management

  • Overview of Project Integration
  • Develop Project Charter
  • Develop Project Management Plan
  • Direct and Manage Project Work
  • Monitor and Control Project Work
  • Perform Integrated Change Control
  • Close Project or Phase

4. Project Scope Management

  • Overview of Project Scope Management
  • Plan Scope Management
  • Collect Requirements
  • Define Scope
  • Create WBS
  • Validate Scope
  • Control Scope

5. Project Time Management

  • Overview of Project Time Management
  • Plan Schedule Management
  • Define Activities
  • Sequence Activities
  • Estimate Activity Resources
  • Estimating Activity Durations
  • Develop Schedule
  • Control Schedule

6. Project Cost Management

  • Overview of Project Cost Management
  • Plan Cost Management
  • Estimate Costs
  • Determine Budget
  • Control Costs

7. Project Quality Management

  • Overview of Project Quality Management
  • Plan Quality Management
  • Perform Quality Assurance
  • Control Quality

8. Project Human Resource Management

  • Overview of Project Human Resource Management
  • Plan HR Management
  • Acquire Project Team
  • Develop Project Team
  • Manage Project Team

9. Project Communication Management

  • Overview of Project Communication Management
  • Plan Communications Management
  • Manage Communications
  • Control Communications

10. Project Risk Management

  • Overview of Project Risk Management
  • Plan Risk Management
  • Identify Risks
  • Perform Qualitative Risk Analysisc
  • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Plan Risk Responses
  • Control Risks

11. Project Procurement Management

  • Overview of Project Procurement Management
  • Plan Procurement Management
  • Conduct Procurements
  • Control Procurements
  • Close Procurements

12. Project Stakeholder Management

  • Overview of Project Stakeholder Management
  • Identify Stakeholders
  • Plan Stakeholder Management
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  • Control Stakeholder Engagement

13. Professional Responsibility

  • Professional Responsibility

14. Review & Final Evaluation Test

  • Structured Concentrated Review of all Chapters
  • Final Test Questions
  • End of Course Questions/Next Steps

PMstudy PMP Exam Prep: Classroom Daily Schedule

Typically the 4 day program runs from Monday to Thursday between 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

DAY 1: Introduction

* Project Management Framework
* Project Integration Management
* Project Scope Management
(Section & Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 2: Project Time Management

* Project Cost Management
* Project Quality Management
* Project Human Resource Management
(Section & Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 3: Project Communication Management

* Project Risk Management
* Project Procurement Management
* Project Stakeholder Management
(Section & Chapter Quizzes throughout the day. Homework assigned)

DAY 4: Final Evaluation Test Part I

* Concentrated Review
* Final Evaluation Test Part II
* Review & Next Steps

ITIL Foundation

What you will learn:

The ITIL Foundation Certificate is a three day course in which delegates will gain a comprehensive grounding in the aspects of ITIL service management. Delegates will prepare for and sit the one hour, multiple- choice ITIL Foundation certificate in service management exam. The course consists of short lectures, exercises, discussions, examination technique training, mock examinations and culminates in an invigilated exam on the third day.

Effective and formal IT Service Management will give an organization a clear view of its IT capabilities. It will give the IT department a clear understanding of the customer’s needs, drivers and motivation. The interlocking IT Service Management disciplines will allow the needs of the customer to be matched by the capability of the services being offered.

In documenting best practice ITIL has laid before us a professional approach to the provision of IT services. In the ITIL world measurement and monitoring are critical. We are able to focus on the needs of the business and to measure the performance of the services offered, reviewing and improving on a continual basis.

Critical among costs the Service Management disciplines is Availability Management. If services are not available then it’s not a service. All the service support and service delivery disciplines work together to deliver agreed levels of service availability to our customers.

Delivery of service availability to meet customer needs benefits the whole organization. Customer satisfaction is greatly increased, as is the motivation of those staff involved in service provision.

Overall, professional IT Service Management disciplines will deliver improved quality of service to customers enabling the business to reduce costs, derive higher revenues and hence increased profit.

This course leads to the ITIL Foundation level certification. Delegates are prepared for the Foundation examination and will normally take this examination on the third day of the course. The Foundation qualification is a pre-requisite for the ITIL Intermediate examinations.

The ITIL Foundation examination is a closed- book 60 minute 40 multiple choice question paper. The pass mark is 65% (26 marks required to pass out of 40 available).

Audience Profile

The target groups of the ITIL Foundation Certificate are:

  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the refreshed ITIL framework and how it may be used to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organization.
  • IT professionals that are working within an organization that has adopted and adapted ITIL, who need to be informed about and thereafter contribute to, an ongoing service improvement program.


There are no pre-requisites for this course, nor is there any pre-course preparation required. Evening work is not compulsory, although it may benefit delegates to ensure they have consolidated each day’s learning through reading and checking notes. This should take no longer than an hour each evening, although further self-study is encouraged.

Course Learning Objectives

  • To provide a basic understanding of the ITIL framework
  • To understand how ITIL can be used to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organization
  • To enable comprehension and / or awareness of key areas of the 5 ITIL core books:
    • Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service Improvement
  • To prepare to sit the ITIL Foundation Exam

About RM

About Risk Management

Risk management is an important skill that can be applied to a wide variety of projects. In an era of downsizing, consolidation, shrinking budgets, increasing technological sophistication, and shorter development times, risk management can provide valuable insights to help key project personnel plan for risks, alert them of potential risk issues, analyze these issues, and develop, implement, and monitor plans to address the issues long before the issues surface as problems and adversely affect project cost, performance, and schedule.

If you are looking to sharpen your employees project management skills and showcase their specialized expertise in risk management, this course is meant for you. We assure you that you will find this course useful.

About the PMI®

Project Management Institute®

The Project Management Institute PMI® is the world’s leading not-for-profit project management professional association. PMI® supports over half a million members in 170 countries worldwide. PMI® members are individuals practicing and studying project management in many different industry areas.

PMI® has become, and continues to be, the leading professional association in project management. More details can be found here:

Certifications offered by PMI®

PMI offers a comprehensive certification program for project practitioners of all education and skill levels. PMI certifications ensure that you and your projects excel.

        • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
        • Project Management Professional (PMP)®
        • Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)SM
        • PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®
        • PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)
        • PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)®

Risk Management Professional (RMP®)

PMI’s Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)® credential is a sought after credential which provides solution to project management’s increasing growth, complexity and diversity. This certification is recognized globally and is in much demand. A Risk Management Professional satisfies the requirement of having a specialist role while dealing in project risk management.

To be eligible for the PMI-RMP credential, you must meet certain educational and professional experience requirements. All project risk management experience must have been accrued within the last 5 consecutive years prior to your application submission.

Educational Background:

Secondary diploma (high School diploma, associates degree or global equivalent). Four-year degree (bachelors degree or global equivalent)

Project Risk Management Experience:

At least 4,500 hours spent in the specialized area of professional project risk management within the last five consecutive years. (or)At least 3,000 hours spent in the specialized area of professional project risk management within the last five consecutive years

Project Risk Management Education:

40 contact hours of formal education in the specialized area of project risk management. 30 contact hours of formal education in the specialized area of project risk management

Course Overview

Risk Management Program

Risk management is an important skill that can be applied to a wide variety of projects. In an era of downsizing, consolidation, shrinking budgets, increasing technological sophistication, and shorter development times, risk management can provide valuable insights to help key project personnel plan for risks, alert them of potential risk issues, analyze these issues, and develop, implement, and monitor plans to address the issues long before the issues surface and adversely affect project cost, performance, and schedule.

If any employers are looking to sharpen their employees’ project management skills and showcase their specialized expertise in risk management, this course is meant for them.

What we do

RMstudy is a leading Education Provider imparting quality training to prepare professionals to manage risks associated with various projects. This course is aligned with the concepts of Risk Management as defined by Project Management Institute (PMI®) and is a great way to prepare for PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) exam. Upon successful completion of the course, you get 20 PMI Approved PDUs (Activity # is RMSTUD). RMstudy classroom training has been developed and evaluated by several PMPs and experts in project risk management.

Why Us

        • Learn from the Leaders
        • Low cost / High value
        • High-quality course ware
        • Experienced faculty
        • Successful training program
        • PMI approved PDUs

Comprehensive Course Structure

Our Risk Management course is comprehensive and covers all the concepts required to be a Risk Management specialist.

The course offers comprehensive study guides for all the chapters with examples that explain and illustrate the concepts for the benefit of the student. The concepts are explained in simple language using time-tested and proven training methodology, making it easy to understand even the complex topics.

The Risk Management course has been developed and evaluated by several PMPs and experts in the field of project risk management. This course is aligned with the concepts of Risk Management as defined by Project Management Institute (PMI®) and is a great way to prepare for PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) exam. Upon successful completion of the course, students will get 20 PMI approved PDUs (Activity # is RMSTUD).

The Risk Management classroom course is divided into the following 8 chapters:

        1. Principles and Concepts
        2. Introduction to Project Risk Management Processes
        3. Plan Risk Management
        4. Identify Risks
        5. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
        6. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
        7. Plan Risk Responses
        8. Monitor and Control Risks

Classroom Daily Schedule

The Risk Management course has been developed and evaluated by several PMPs and experts in the field of project risk management. The Risk Management classroom course is divided into the following 8 chapters.

Day 1

Principles and Concepts

        • Definition of Project Risk
        • Individual Risks and Overall Project Risk
        • Stakeholder Risk Attitudes
        • Iterative Process
        • Communication
        • Responsibility for Project Risk Management
        • Project Manager’s Role for Project Risk Management
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Introduction to Project Risk Management Processes

        • Project Risk Management and Project Management
        • Project Risk Management Processes
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Plan Risk Management

        • Purpose and Objectives of the Plan Risk Management Process
        • Critical Success Factors for the Plan Risk Management Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Plan Risk Management Process
        • Documenting the Results of the Plan Risk Management Process
        • Techniques and Templates for Risk Management Planning
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Identify Risks

        • Purpose and Objectives of the Identify Risks Process
        • Critical Success Factors for the Identify Risks Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Identify Risks Process
        • Documenting the Results of the Identify Risks Process
        • Techniques, Examples and Templates for Identify Risks
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Day 2

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

        • Purpose and Objective of the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
        • Critical Success Factors for Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Process
        • Documentation of Results
        • Techniques
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

        • Purpose and Objectives of the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
        • Critical Success Factors for the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Process
        • Documenting the Results of Quantitative Risk Analysis Process
        • Techniques
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Plan Risk Responses

        • Purpose and Objectives of the Plan Risk Responses Process
        • Critical Success Factors for the Plan Risk Responses Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Plan Risk Responses Process
        • Documenting the Results of the Plan Risk Response Process
        • Techniques, Examples, and Templates for the Plan Risk Responses process
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts

Monitor and Control Risks

        • Purpose and Objective of the Monitor and Control Risks process
        • Critical Success Factors for the Monitor and Control Risks Process
        • Tools and Techniques for the Monitor and Control Risks Process
        • Documenting the Results of the Monitor and Control Risks Process
        • Techniques, Examples, and Templates for the Monitor and Control Risks process
        • Some Important Terms and Concepts