Frequently Asked Questions

ISO Certifications

It depends on the size and complexity of your organization. Ideally small companies could implement in 3-4 months. Medium size companies could implement in 6-8 months where as in large companies could implement in 8-10 months.

The certificate must be current and each certificate is valid for period of 3 years from the date of issue subject to the clearance of surveillance audits conducted by the certification body once in every year.

It depends on several factors like number of employees, sites to be audited , products and services of your organization etc,. Our services are not only competitive but also with highest standards of professionalism.

Irrespective of the size, any business organization can go for ISO Certification. Even if your organization is run by just few staff you can go for ISO certification.

CMMI Appraisals

An assessment is a kind of procedures to verify the acceptance to a model. The objective of assessment is to measure the effectiveness of implementation of the reference standard, model or framework.

Capability Level:
Capability level is defined as evolutionary stage describing the organization’s capability relative to a process area. It consists of related specific and generic practices for a process area. That helps to improve the organization’s process area.
Maturity Level:
Maturity Level is defined as evolutionary stage to achieving a mature software process. It is applied to your organization’s process improvement achievement in multiple process areas.

SCAMPI stands for- Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement is the official method to provide benchmark quality ratings relative to CMMI models. SCAMPI Appraisals are used to identify strengths and weakness of current processes reveal acquisition risks and determine capability and maturity level ratings.


ASQ stands for American Society for Quality and IASSC stands for International Association for Six Sigma Certification. By various measures, The IASSC and ASQ Lean Six Sigma Standards and Certifications are widely respected, recognized and utilized across the Lean Six Sigma Industry.

The Six Sigma certification comes in various skill levels: Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. There’s no doubt that gaining a Six Sigma certification is one of the best moves anyone can make for their career.

Agile describes a set of guiding principles that uses iterative approach for software development, while Scrum is a specific set of rules that are to be followed while practicing the Agile software development.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a management methodology which allows organizations to use data to eliminate defects in any process by improving the process flow.

To put it in a nutshell, the key principles of Lean Six Sigma Business Transformation to bear in mind:

  • Focus on the customer.
  • Identify and understand how the work gets done (the value stream).
  • Manage, improve and smooth the process flow.
  • Remove the unwanted steps and waste.
  • Manage by fact and reduce variation.

Six Sigma is a systematic and quantitative approach by setting a system and process for the improvement of defined metrics in manufacturing, service, or financial processes. Improvement projects follow a disciplined process defined by a system of four macro phases: Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (MAIC).